Items are shipped to you directly by our designers using tracked delivery. This means that if your order contains items from different designers, it will arrive in multiple parcels.
Yes! We are pleased to offer worldwide shipping. See shipping costs and delivery timeframes below.
Orders are dispatched either from RIISE's Sydney warehouse or directly from our brands meaning that shipping costs and timeframes will vary depending on origin and destination of your chosen pieces. See shipping costs and delivery timeframes below.
When you place an order you will receive a confirmation via email. Once the order has been dispatched (usually within 2 business days), you will receive all tracking details and updates via email.
We feel you. All orders placed on RIISE will arrive at your doorstep in a 100% plastic-free packaging suite. Our shipping boxes are made from FSC certified recycled cardboard, and our wrapping papers, cards and stickers are made from recycled materials. Our focus is to keep the amount of virgin resources used to a minimum and to take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of our packaging, which is why all of these packaging elements can be easily composted or recycled at home.
Australian Customers:
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300 |
Any designer |
FREE Standard Shipping (domestic or international) |
Domestic: 2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business International: 6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery inside Australia | Australian designer | FREE for orders over $50, $10 for orders under. |
2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business |
STANDARD international delivery | Any designer outside Australia | AUD$15 |
6-27 business days |
EXPRESS delivery inside Australia | Australian designer | AUD$15 |
1-4 business |
EXPRESS international delivery | Any designer outside Australia | AUD$25 |
2-7 business |
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300* |
Any designer (*free shipping on Brie Leon orders over $200) |
FREE Standard Shipping (domestic or international) |
Domestic: 2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business International: 6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery inside NZ | NZ designer | FREE for orders over $50, $10 for orders under. |
2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business |
STANDARD international delivery | Any designer outside NZ | AUD$25 |
6-27 business
EXPRESS delivery inside NZ | NZ designer | AUD$15 | 1-4 business days |
EXPRESS international delivery | Any designer outside NZ | AUD$50 | 2-7 business days |
STANDARD international delivery - bulky items | Clumsy (express not offered) | AUD$25 | 6-27 business days |
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300 |
Any designer. (*free shipping on Brie Leon orders over $150) |
FREE Standard Shipping (domestic or international) |
Domestic: 2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business International: 6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery inside US | US designer | FREE for orders over $50, $10 for orders under. |
2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business |
STANDARD international delivery | Any designer outside US | AUD$25 |
6-27 business
EXPRESS delivery inside US | US designer | AUD$15 |
1-4 business days |
EXPRESS international delivery | Any designer outside US | AUD$50 |
2-7 business days |
STANDARD international delivery - bulky items | Clumsy (express not offered) | AUD$45 |
6-27 business days |
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300 |
Any designer (*free shipping on Brie Leon orders over $200) |
FREE Standard Shipping (domestic or international) |
Domestic: 2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business International: 6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery inside UK |
UK designer
FREE for orders over $50, $10 for orders under. |
2 - 8 business
days for 7 - 10 business
days for |
STANDARD international delivery | Any designer outside UK | AUD$25 |
6-27 business
EXPRESS delivery inside UK | UK designer | AUD$15 |
1-4 business days |
EXPRESS international delivery | Any designer outside UK | AUD$50-55 |
2-7 business days |
STANDARD international delivery - bulky items | Any designer outside UK | AUD$45 |
6-27 business days |
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300 |
Any designer |
FREE Standard Shipping (domestic or international) |
Domestic: 2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business International: 6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery inside EU | EU designer | FREE for orders over $50, $10 for orders under. |
2 - 8 business 7 - 10 business |
STANDARD international delivery | Any designer outside
AUD$25 |
6-27 business days |
EXPRESS delivery inside EU | EU designer | AUD$15 |
1-4 business days |
EXPRESS international delivery |
Any designer outside
AUD$50 |
2-7 business days |
STANDARD international delivery - bulky items | Clumsy (express not offered) | AUD$25 |
6-27 business days |
Shipping From | Cost | Timeframe | |
Spend over A$300 |
Any designer (*Singapore & Canada free shipping on Brie Leon orders over $200) |
FREE Standard Shipping |
6-27 business |
STANDARD delivery |
Any designer
A$25 |
6-27 business
days |
STANDARD international delivery - bulky items | Any designer | AUD$45 |
6-27 business days |
We ship all orders on a DAP (Delivery At Place) basis, meaning all applicable import duties, taxes, and clearance fees must be covered by the customer when the import arrives.
All product prices displayed on the site are shown in AUD, inclusive of GST/other sales tax or similar if applicable. The full amount paid for your order will be refunded in case of return, including applicable GST/other sales taxes.