Meet Sophia Doak, a photographer whose work commands attention. Hailing from Aotearoa and now based in Sydney, Sophia has collaborated with renowned brands such as Maggie Marilyn, Wixii, Fella, Birkenstock, alongside numerous other emerging and established fashion labels. Read on to learn what inspires her.
Documented By: Sophia Doak
RIISE: What inspires you creatively?
Sophia Doak: So many people and so many things! I feel pretty enamoured with photography that captures those moments where we feel as the observer that our presence is unimportant to the subject. I also love photography that simultaneously captures the beauty of subject and place. Dudi Hasson executes both well.
I also love Pia Riverola's work. She is so versatile and makes amazing use of colour.
Documented By: Sophia Doak
RIISE: Why photography? What was the genesis of your interest in it and why do you love it?
SD: Curiosity, passion, and connection. My dad had a Canon camera when I was growing up and I was so curious about how you could capture all these things; nature, our cats, art. I felt hooked on the magic.
My little sister is incredibly beautiful and I started taking photos of her, then of friends. As I was modelling at the time it came to my attention that I was surrounded by models so I began shooting fashion.
The magic remains, being able to capture what I see and how I see it through this instrument. Trends will come and go but how you choose to create can be constant and recognisable.
Documented By: Sophia Doak
RIISE: What brings you most joy?
SD: Definitely food. I find cooking, eating, and being amongst the hospitality scene such a beautiful source of pleasure and connection.
I grew up dancing so having the freedom to be active and move my body is something I am always grateful for and try to do every day.
Swimming and spending time in nature. Seeing friends and family, spending time with people you can be yourself with.
Reading, I read what can be considered an excessive amount. And the last things that come to mind are travelling (near or far) and creating.
Documented By: Sophia Doak
RIISE: What influences your personal style? Who are your muses and what gives you inspiration?
SD: My mum. She has superb taste, and her style advice has stuck with me.
I am always open to new things, but at its core, my style is quite simple and low-key. I wear a lot of jeans and singlets!
I draw inspiration from diverse styles and ideas, constantly seeing different styles and ideas and taking aspects on board.